This is my new bow i bought from Jamesh76 here on TG that arrived last week.James was a pleasure to do busness with and the bow look far better than i expected.I snaked it with a rat snake my son got for me.I thought it was going to be a unique color but it darkened up a lot when it was varnished and dried so it is pretty much just a normal color rat snake.It camo'ed the bow just fine though.The bow is a wing redwing pro,58" and 45# @ 28".Super smooth and no stack at all at my 30" draw.Really nice wood on the riser too.It has sort of a petite feel to it, feels more like a 52" than a 58" bow. I am tickled pink with it and looking forward to missing some deer with it when our season opens next weekend. Thanks Jamesh76!