1966 66" Bear Alaskan for me. Started out with it about 30 years ago, and it's still going strong.
I checked out the new Bear Grizzly and Super K at Gander the other day. Between the two, I liked the Super K better. Both had decent grips, if a bit slimmer than what I'm used to, and even though the Grizzly was 50# and 2 inches shorter, it had more mass weight than the 55# Super K. The Super K had a similar mass to my Alaskan. They even offer the Super K in a 64" which is a big bonus for long draw guys like myself.
Only problem I have is that they want basically custom bow prices for a "factory" bow. (I'm a bit of a tightwad) I might consider special ordering one eventually, if they'll make it in a 66 or 68 inch, and, blasphemous as this is, I'd really prefer it in clear glass, but might consider the Grayling Green, if nothing more than the fact that it's riser is Bubinga, instead of Dymondwood. Maybe I'm just too picky, but then again, a bit of research on the issue wouldn't hurt either.