Just concluded a week long selfbow hunt for Muleys in central Montana. Dax (Dxray)and his son Aidan, came out to my Montana Cabin to chase some mule deer for a week. we Primarily hunted around my home in Roundup, MT. We covered a lot of ground, some private,and quite a bit of BLM and State land. We hunted everything from ridge tops of the Bull Mountains down to the Musselshell River bottoms. All and all we had a great hunt, mostly we ran ourselves ragged. Weather when he landed was scorching at 94degrees on OCT 1st! by the end of the trip we had solid ice on the windshield..lol Monday evening i took a steep down hill shot that landed in a high miss over top of a doe. Tuesday evening, Dax connected with a liver shot on a big old doe, we estimated her at 130-140 pounds. After his success in killing his first muledeer and also his FIRST deer ever with a selfbow, we relaxed a bit and took it easy....but on the second to last day of the hunt He went out for an evening hunt after a strong rain storm and the shifting cold weather made the bucks move and this really nice 3x3 muley walked right behind him. he remained motionless as the buck came into a shooting window through the trees and he made his move again. Another liver shot while connecting with the back of a lung and severing the artery under the spine, brought the buck down in 70 or 80 yards. He filled all his tags and i put him back on the plane this morning a very happy camper! his 10yr old son also got his 1st selfbow kill this trip. a big ol porcupine, made a nice target to cut his teeth on. congrats to both of them!
His gear???---- Dax shoots one of my twsitedlimbs osage selfbows about 56# @ 28". arrows i made from rivercane dax cut and sent to me and a hammered spoon trade point of mine aswell. The buck... he did end up shooting with one of my arrows with a zwickey broadhead on the business end. He got great penetration on both and plenty of blood to follow.