Thanks for the welcome. I will try to get some pictures up soon. The bow is 68 inch 60# at 28,
four lams of bamboo, one of cocobolo, handle is cocobolo, black glass on back, clear on belly. I have always liked the looks and history of the longbow. When I decided to go trad and get rid of the compounds, a friend had a Bob Lee recurve he wanted to sell cheap so I went with that. I liked it but wanted something different. Bob Lee's place is close to where I live so I went over there to look. Rob Lee was there and helped me alot. Super nice folks, let me shoot a bunch of bows, even one of Bob's personal bows. I ordered a new recurve which I have been shooting for three years. I wanted to try a long bow so I looked around, then found this forum and started reading. Convinced myself to go with the HH and am not sorry. It is so light, slender, smooth and fun to shoot. Feels like what shooting a bow and arrow is supposed to be like.