The next couple of days I decided to move to an open field bordered by hardwoods. I was hoping to see, at least, where the deer were moving. I set up the decoy to hopefully get the attention of any buck passing by.

At about 9am I had an absolute GIANT of a buck appear at the opposite end of the field...he already had his eye on the decoy and didn't seem real happy about the buck in his area. He proceeded to make his way across the field right toward the decoy. This was,for sure,the biggest deer I have ever seen. I'm not quite sure how big the rack was...but it was large!!
Anyway, he made is way toward me (quartering toward me the whole time) and I never had a shot that I felt comfortable with.
In this photo you can actually see the path the buck took in the wet grass as he made his way around the tree and toward the decoy.

I thought for sure I was in the money! he came within ten yards of the decoy he decided to go on a rampage...plowing right through the decoy!!!

This is what was left of the poor little guy!
The buck pretty much spooked after blowing the decoy to pieces and ran off about 40 yard behind me before stopping and disappearing into the woods.
Oh well! Even though I didn't get the shot, it's somthing i'll never forget for sure!
Here are a few more photos from that same spot, but know sign of that buck again.

The last couple of days I left the camera behind and hunted a couple of other areas only seeing smaller bucks, does, yotes, and tons of turkeys!
I sure hope I can make it back in November, but if not, you can bet i'll be right back there next year!