Both sharpeners work on bhs.
If, like me, you have trouble, you're doing something 'not quite right'.
Call Ron with it in front of you and he'll help you out.
Many threads here in archives, but if you coat the bevel with a black marker, then start in on it with the coarsest stone on the knife sharpener, you'll see where you're touching.
You need to adjust the angle till it's on the front 1/3 of the bevel to the edge!
Next, DO NOT quit with the coarse stone till it is nearly shaving sharp! I repeat! Well, you can re-read that!
I didn't... hour later, still not sharp! Doh.
Must get it SHARP and a tiny wire raised on the opposite side... then repeat...
When it will shave hair roughly with the coarse, THEN and ONLY THEN do you move to the medium and finer stones!
Hope that helps. Watch is videos on line at his site.