Today was the WINDIEST day I have ever sat in a treestand!!!
Finally decided to brave it even though the weather people were saying gusts up to 45 mph and steady winds in the 25-30....... Was second guessing my decision after getting up and strapped in around 4:30--but I figured if the tree stood there this long.....
Then, the yearling suddenly appears again, starts browsing around a large walnut tree, again to me left. Finally I decide this sitting thing is not going to work....I slowly stand and start to stand when I realize, she's standing still, but I'm hearing footsteps! Dang it!! Another large doe is on my right and sees something she doesn't like, but can't quite make it out...she never snorts or panics, but walks around gawking up at me into the sun as well.....
The yearling is getting curious and starts walking in fron of me and crosses over to my right.... YES!!! ....after 2 yrs of not getting an archery deer---this is finally "blowing my way" :rolleyes:
she is mesmerized by the doe dancing behind me.....I draw the smooth 54# MOAB, locked on my spot, and sent the 570 gr. Stinger-tipped arrow into the "sweet spot"........about 2 seconds later, and within site, she dropped, kicked, and rolled over....DEAD!