I went hunting free ranging Sika Deer on Maryland's Eastern Shore yesterday. I'm not 100% familiar with the property, so on the advice of a friend (Yohon on here), I went to a secluded frag (tall grass) patch way out on the marsh. Walking in was smooth and I got to a point I thought would be good but heard a stag chasing a cow a bit further out, so I headed in their direction.
Got to a place where the trees were small and cover was non-existant...so what the heck, up a tree I went! With the full moon, high tide, south wind, the marsh was nice and flooded forcing the deer to higher ground! If nothing else, they surely couldn't sneak up on you!!
The stag kept chasing the cow all around me as I set up! Adds a lot to the anticipation! By first light they had drifted further out on the flooded marsh. Just as I was able to see clearly, I heard a slight splash behind me, turning, I saw a monster stag headed my way! I got the bow ready and followed him as he passed thinking he would stop as soon as he got down wind and I could take the 5 yard shot! He stopped alright...just not where I could squeeze an arrow to him! He looked up and bolted back the way he came! Dang!
He had no sooner left the scene, when I heard another bunch of splashing in front of me! I turned, and saw a decent stag working his way to me! I swung around and readied for a possible shot! He was zig-zagging along as he went. When he got to a point close to me, he turned to listen to the stag still chasing a cow out on the marsh! I looked over the shot, felt is was doable, drew the Silvertip, and took a starvation bead on his off side shoulder! I released smoothly and watch the arrow close the gap and nail the stag just where I was aiming!
The arrow went deep but didn't pass through...I just knew it hit the off side leg! I don't think he heard the shot because he turned toward me, running by the stand about 10 yards out! Anyone who has hunted sika will know, they are always in the water making blood trailing tough! I watched him disappear on a big island and marked trees he passed as he went!
I text Yohon that I hit one. He said he would be there soon but had to deal with a trespasser first
I told him to wait an hour just in case the hit wasn't what I thought it was!
I followed the blood trail and met Yohon where it entered the big Island. Yohon gave me a quick lesson on trailing these little buggers through the water...the boy is something when it comes to killing sikas...specially BIG sikas!! He said to just follow the bubbles in the water. Worked like a charm!! Doing so, Yohon pointed where the stag had turned to the right after getting in the big woods. We went a bit further and could see the Stag laying stone dead just up a head! The VPA 250, 1 1/4" broad head had performed flawlessly! I hit him just behind the rib cage quaterering into the off leg knuckle bone! Couldn't have placed it any better if I had walked up and pushed it in by hand! And get this, in the hour I waited to trail, I looked over the shot distance and kept thinking it looks a little further than I usually would take...turned out it was 29 yards
Glad I didn't know that at the time