Okay, here I go....
I got a severe form of MS in 1997.... Got paralyzed and had to be in a wheelchair for many years. Lost my job and had to sell my house.
But instead of feeling sad and getting depressed, I counted my blessings every day and praised the Lord for all the good things He had left for me.
I decided not to give up and started to sport....
I fought my way out of my wheelchair. I gave up medicines, because there are nor real medicines for MS that help, they only made me more sick..
I lived strong and against all the advices the doctors gave me, I started to wheeler skate in order to force my body back in shape.. That was hard but I felt I was doing the right thing for me. I fell many times. I struggled and struggled and with the help of the Lord every day went better. It wasn't easy but I never gave up. When I mastered skating and became very good in it, I started bicycling in order to get some more condition. Sometimes I became so tired, I literally had to throw up, dead-sick on my bicycle. But again I never gave up and trained every day. And slightly I could make more miles every month... In the beginning just 5 kilometers, but I expanded my tours to 10, 15, 20 and even managed to ride two tours of 100 kilometers with a good friend. Men, I was proud...
But every now and then, I fell back for a few months...
Then, by coincidence I met Traditional Archery. From the moment I had a bow in my hands, I was sold....
That will be like three years ago. I bought a longbow (35 lbs) and started training and participated in some 3D tournaments. I was a fast learner, and soon I placed myself in the top 5 of The Netherlands...
I just ordered a new Bow ( a Cari-Bow Peregrine, 45 lbs, I had to save money a looong time for that) when I got blind on one eye, due to the MS. The doctors gave my eye up, because the big eye-nerve was dead due to an MS inflammation. If that wasn't enough, one night when I was walking my dog, I didn't see a big branch on the ground. I fell badly and thought I broke my shoulder, the pain was terrible. There was nobody around, so I had a hard time getting up and getting home again.
After some x-rays, the doctors told me, my shoulder wasn't broken, but dislocated and all the muscles were badly hurt.
My first question was: "Am I allowed to shoot the bow?" The answer was yes, if it wouldn't hurt too much...
So I pressed my teeth together and went on with my training sessions as much as I could. With a dislocated shoulder, much pain and one eye...
All this made me a better person. I take each day as it comes, learned to be humble and appreciate the small things of life which might ne more important as we think. But we forget that and tend to take them for granted.... I count my blessings every day and this year I ended inthe top three of quite a lot of tournaments, even in Belgium...I even won the Dutch 3D Challenge, two first prices: one for the highest score and one for the best distance shot (65 yards)
Only thing is I ask always if some archery fellows will drive me to the tournaments if the distance is over the 50 kilometers, because I never know in what shape I am when the tournament is done. They know my story and are glad to help me in this way. Besides of that: it is more fun, driving together.
Each tournament is a challenge for me and I really feel proud and strong when I shot one with good results.
Bottom line is: never give up, and don’t look what you don’t have anymore, but look at what you still have! Fight! This might sound strange to you, but I consider myself a warrrior. Tell yoyr friends, without complaining, about your disabilities, so they have a better understanding. And believe it or not: my eye-sight came back for 70% and is still improving. . The doctors never understood that!
I would like to end my story with the following:
“……and the LORD replied, my precious, precious child, I Love you and I would never leave you! During your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you……”And a pic ofcourse, of one of the golden pages of my book of life: