Dr. Mo is my dad and he has already forgotten how to log into Tradgang. He mostly gets on here to read and learn so if any of you decide to give him props send him a PM. He wanted me to put this post up for everyone to see.
I will try to tell the story as i remember it so please bare with me. I will be telling my side as well because i was on the recieving end of garbled text messages and phone calls that were barely understandable.
Ok so i wake up friday to a text message before daylight from him telling me what stand he was going to. When daylight came i was drinking coffee and getting my little ones up for school i get a text at 7:18 saying " 0 deer but major feeding time is 8 am". I replied to him saying " hang in there, its almost 8" knowing that he nor I really take much head in feeding times but still try to stay in the stand during these times just in case a deer actually does move.
So at 7:18 i get this text that says 0 deer and when i got out of shower at 7:27 i get a text that read " 1o PAt stuCK, ShakINg bad"
First i had to decipher this message and then i replied and asked what in the hell was 1o pat mean. I then realized it was 10 point and sent the text : whatever, i am going to work. He replied shaking, will call.
At 8:30 he calls me and it sounds like he has just seen a ghost and can barely speak. So he proceeds to tell me what happened.
When he put his phone back in his Gfred Vest from the 7:18 text he sent me he looked up this logging road and saw a deer standing there about 50 yds going away from him. He did not carry binoculars this morning because if he wants to shoot a deer on our little farm then he is going to shoot it. He doesnt care what is on its head.
So the deer is standing there and from daylight till now he had done about 4 Canning sessions with the Primos original Can. Seeing that this deer was moving away he decided to do it again to see if the deer would come. The can was tied to his stand at the time and he turned it over and let out the eeeaaawww, that we all do during rut. (i still cant believe that he brought this out this early in the season)
He said he bleated at it. The deer turned and started walking toward him at an angle. Once he did this he freaked out and stood up forgetting the can was tied to the stand and sitting in his lap. Upon standing the can rattled against the stand banging around, thus making the situation worse was when he heard the banging of plastic and metal together he looked to see what the deer did, it was standing at 30yds in the sunlight shining on his rack. Good thing he did not have Binocs earlier right? Well , this mature deer did not hear the comotion and continued to take a left moving out of my dads range down in a draw. He thought his once in alifetime chance was gone but Ah Ha, lets try the Can again. Deer moving away at 35 when the bleat rang out. Like on a string, the deer stopped and took a right and walked to within 15 yards. Standing and looking for the bleating, dad was frozen until a dog barked on my neighbors property making the buck turn away and allowing the draw and anchor.
He released and it made its mark, a little back he thougth but never the less he put an arrow in him. Biggest buck of his life with 48lb Black Widow PCHX with Jerry Simmons 205 grain Safari.
10 Point- 215 lb scored 145 6/8
Congrats to Pop for teaching me everything i know and actually being able to keep your stuff together to harvest this buck.