I purchased a scent loc suit several years ago. The first year about 80% of the deer that passed down wind did not appear to scent me. The second year, about 50% of the deer that passed down wind did not appear to scent me. Third year, about 25% of the deer that passed down wind did not appear to scent me. I was just about what you might expect if you exercise good hygene practises after only three years. I was confused about scent lok's promises so I started doing some research. This carbon is small, but if you look at it under a powerful microscope it would resemble a sponge. Lots of surface area for scent molecules to get stuck in. SteveWills said it already. The dryer will not get hot enough to regenerate the carbon. So after a couple of years your suit is filled up. What I found in the research mirrored my own experience.
I won't buy any new scent lok because it does not live up to its claim.
Hunt the wind and utilize the best practices in hygene that you've probably already read about on some of these threads. What does your scent stream look like. It is probably very narrow where your at and gets wider as it moves downwind. The center of that area has the most of you in it, or a more concentrated dose, or more parts per million. The outer area has the least concentration. If you were at deer camp all week and you could analize your scent stream in parts per millioin, it might be 500ppm down the center, and out on the edge it might be 10ppm. I think if your really clean your scent stream might be 200ppm down the center and 10ppm on the edges. But in the first case your scent stream might be 50 feet wide by the time it got a hundred yards down field. In the clean case it may only be 30 feet wide when it got a hundred yards down stream. These numbers are just a way to try to express my thoughts. Not claiming they are accurate.
Everyone says hunt the wind and I agree with that. But I think you can improve your chances on those days that the wind is slighty variable.