Bicster, I agree with you on the fashion statement, I sometimes talk with a little bit of sarcasm and that was what I was saying when I talked about getting the latest camo fashion out there. With that said I used to (25 years ago) have to have the latest greatest model year wheelie bow, it seemed like they were changing yearly back then. The same was for camo, new looks were coming out yearly (and I think they still are) and I had to have them. Now is where the midlife crises jokingly comes in. I have matured into realizing it's what you know and not what latest bow or fashions you are wearing, I have also matured into enjoying the challenge trad archery brings, along with age I enjoy relaxing and flinging and building arrows. I don't carry a cell phone when I hunt (not saying that's the smartest thing) but I enjoy getting away from all that high tech crap. Again I attribute that to my maturing and knowing what I like & enjoy. With all this maturing talk going on, I do want to wear wool, I think it is very warm and quality stuff, and I will admit I like the trad feeling it gives me (notice I said feeling, not look or style, my looking stylish & picking up wild women days were 30 years ago lol) I guess I'm saying I want to wear wool.
But......... I my brain keeps telling me I will stick out like a sore thumb wearing plaid in the woods, and I am trying to decide how much concealment I'm giving up in trade of "feeling" traditional. Now I use the word "feeling" that's just me, I don't care what other hunters wear or how they "feel" that's there choices, maybe they want to look stylish in the woods. I get my rocks off looking & feeling traditional.
I can calculate ( therefore make a decision) on how much I am giving up by using a trad bow over a crossbow, I chose the trad bow for the enjoyment. I cannot calculate how much I am giving up by wearing plaid wool over the latest greatest camo fashions. I can go In my backyard and shoot a friends latest greatest bow and compare that to my shooting with my trad bow (plus draw upon years of experience with modern bows) and I know exactly what I'm trading off in performance.
I do not know, nor do I want to spend my next 5 years of hunting in plaid wool doing an experiment so I can know what the comparison is, I guess I was hoping someone else has done this experiment.
This question is hard to put into words, as it is not a yes or no, black & white answer, it is one of them touchy - feely type questions. I know I'm probably giving up some performance with plaid, I just don't have a clue how much.