Way to start this off Cam, it's almost like I'm back there!
This was some of the just downright most enjoyable hunting I've ever done. for me it just really doesn't get any better than what we did there on Cape York. Long walks, lot's of stalks, lot's of close calls....and sometimes you even connect. On the very first day I learned that these hogs were literally a different critter than anything I've dealt with in the past. They take some serious killing! Here's my first boar of the trip.
My first shot took him far back, but slowed him down enough that Andy and I could keep him in sight. He headed into some really crunchy forest and getting a follow up shot was tough. After an hours long game of cat and mouse which involved a km of so of sprinting he finally eased up in a stalkable location. I remember feeling like I was on another planet. The lanscape was so surreal and foreign to anything I'd ever seen before. Anyway I slipped in and got a good arrow into this hog, and like a flash he turned and charged. I didn't have time to do anything except sidestep and whack him on the head with my bow as he ran by. One more arrow and he tipped over. Whew what an introduction to aussie pig hunting!! I was hooked from there on out.