Life goes on... and I'm just a wee bit proud of myself making the best of it and not getting bummed. It was too neat an experience on it's own and the hunting was just the impetus, not the main attraction. It would have been easy to cry in my beer, but we didn't have any!
Oh, yeah...the poundcake! I NEVER in my life ate pastry of any sort that once cut, 4 days later (while well wrapped) was still moist, fresh and as flavorful as when opened! I hate to think how much 'butter' was in that puppy!
We had poundcake, Ken bought a huge pecan pie for an unhearlded price in a "no price" resturant but that is his story to tell...but it was GOOD!
We had steak & taters over an open fire pit w/ salad and peas. We had spaghetti, We had ham steak and taters over charcoal grill.
Evenings were late so we ate light of fruit, sandwhiches and one night, Joe made us some "gator cheeks" deep fried!
Nobody died from my cooking or ended up chained to the outhouse, so I guess that part went well enough!