I doubt its the broadhead and even though I don't use woodsmens I do use Montec G5's out of my compound and thats either the same cut or less and my deer with that don't go too far with all pass thrus.
I've seen pics of woodsman bloodtrails and they look like anything else I guess,,,, the one thing I've seen that you have to do to woodsmans is file the point down a little so it doesn't curl which might be your problem causing bad penetration.
my father had his theory on bloodtrails and this stems from when EVERYONE shot bear razorheads but some folks said there was bad blood trails and some others said it was buckets of blood..
my fathers theory was some deer herds carry more Fat than others and the fat is what closes the wound openings,, old school theory I know but who knows,, I personally think bad blood trails means dull head and good blood trails means scapel sharp (with me; if you cannot shave your face with your broadhead head its not sharp enough).
magnus 1's are a nice broadhead,, how about trying VPA's or even Centaur Battleaxe/biggame OR Abowyers. I never bought a pack of woodsmans after I bought a fresh pack of 6 screw-in 150's and they all wobbled I've avoided them since.
I use everything but.