I think I'm finally done buying/selling/trading bows, seriously this time. I found another great MOAB a little heavier than my last one and man does it shoot nice. This should be the last "new Thunderstick" post I make for awhile (unless I find a nice 2 piece MOAB or a 56" Mag). Other than that I'm done, I think.
I found a nice MOAB for sale that's right in the middle of the weight range I like. The seller and I agreed on a price and it was soon on its way to my house. I missed the original delivery from the USPS and then had one of those "Oh no" moments when I called to have it redelivered. When I called and asked to have the packaged redelivered, the clerks response was, "the box is damaged and we know that it's a bow." :( This is how it showed up at my door the next day.
It was insured but thankfully I didn't see any damage to the bow. I don't know where along the route the box fell apart, but they did a nice job taking care of it until it got to my door. Kudos to the USPS. I don't think it was the USPS's fault. The tape just came off where the shipper taped two boxes together. The top half fell off somewhere along the way leaving about 12" of the bow exposed.
I looked it over real closely, but didn't find any damage that would make the bow unsafe to shoot. The bow has been used and hunted with, so it shows some battle scars but nothing major. I reserved the string and fired off a few test arrows.

. That's when I knew this is the bow I want to hunt with from now on. It also came with one of the nicest strings I've seen and found out later it was made by bearbowman (a TG sponser). It's the weight I like and it shoots awesome (much like the rest of my Thundersticks). It's 60", 57#@28. I shot a 29.75" 2117 with a 200grn point. Total arrow weight is right around 600. Fast and quiet.

Some say traditional archery is a journey. I restarted mine two years ago, and believe this leg of the journey is now complete. I've gone through a ton of bows and have found a few nice ones that I really love. Thanks to the mods and members here at TG where I've found a lot of great info (and several bows on the classifieds). The two on top are both 58" Mags, and the two on the bottom are 60" MOABs.