I got my DVD in the mail yesterday and got the chance to watch it this evening. I’ve been making my own strings, both Flemish and endless loop, forever, it seems. I thought I knew how to make a string pretty well. After watching this DVD, I found out I had a good grasp of how to make an adequate and functional string—the epitome of mediocrity. :^)
Actually, I knew very little about strings, string materials and how to make a consistent string. Chad and Rod have put together an easy to understand; country laid back, excellent instructional presentation of “how” it should be done—with a lot of humor along the way too.
If you have any desire to learn to make your own strings, or if you’re an old-timer (like me) who thought you knew how to do it, you need to see this one. It’s very informative, entertaining, and will make a great addition to your archery DVD library.