I've been havin a great year up here so far! I went out Friday night to a spot a buddy and I had hunted the week before and set up a stand on the edge of a bedding area. Was in stand around 4pm. At 5:40, i started to get cold and threw on my jacket. Typically I'll sit back down but at this point, something felt like i had to stand. I picked up my bow and waited....
At 6:15, a button buck comes into view, taking a trail that would lead by by stand. He stops at about 8-10yrds, barely quatering too. I pick a spot on the front on the shoulder and before i knew it, my arrow had connected! I saw him run off with half an arrow stickin out and thought it wasnt enough. I then realized, my arrows are 31in and 15.5in is damn good enough to get everything (haha) I quickly called my buddy and he drove down to where i was, walked into the woods, and tripped over my deer! He had ran about 65-70 yrds and died on the run.
http://s1219.photobucket.com/albums/dd430/MoState/?action=view¤t=1028111827.jpg i was using a Cx 250 @ 31in
100gr brass insert
100grn Magnus 2 blade
the damage this broadhead did was unreal! went we were processing this deer, i took one picture of the entrance and if anyone would like to see, I'll email ya.
Thanks y'all