Originally posted by WDELongbow:
Confrontation rarely gets what you want (I know you did not consider confronting him). The guy most likely was pissed and wanted to get some sleep.... It may not have been personal or anti-hunting (like our kneejerk conclusion would indicate . . . "they are out to get me", lol). Just some ideas. I feel your pain. And hope this does not happen to me. I actually had a nice chat with my side yard neighbor today - elderly gentleman, and I offered to help him in any way if he or his wife ever need assitance. Would your report that person (who just offered to help you if you were in need), or some guy who never speaks (and he concludes you are a jerk)? I would not quit so easily. You can always shoot indoors though.
I don't agree, confrontation does get you what you want. The list of what confrontation has gotten each of us and this country is endless. It started with confronting the British crown. Be it the pilgrims (peacefull, they left to escape persecution and do their own thing) or the revolutionary war. Not so peacefull, but necessary to demonstrate the colonists resolve in getting the blood sucking British crowns hand out of their pockets.
And to date it got the antagonist (the neighbor) what it he he wants, control of Bladepeek's actions in his own yard for whatever his motives really are. It is safe to assume it is not sleep, as Bladepeek could run his lawn mower all day every day and there is NOTHING the neighbor can say or do about it.
What we are talking about here is a two way street called neighborly respect. You get, what you give. The neighbor could have very well chose to speak with Bladepeek 1/1...but he didn't. He hid behind the legal system, no neighborly respect. Bladespeek should consider meeting the neighbor with the same level of respect. Find a legal way to shoot in his yard, and run the lawn mower, weed wacker etc. all day all summer. That is how you get the attention and respect of the pencil pokers. (You remember the whimpy little kid in school who poked everybody with his pencil, knowing he'd never get his a** kicked because the gov't would come to his aid).
I've had problems with pencil pokers myself, aka trespassers and fence sitters. Confrontation...1/1 solved those problems. Confrontation does not mean "battle". Confrontation means facing the problem and being pro-active in a resolution. When being pro-active in a resolution does not provide the desired respectful neighborly result we have choices to make.
Tuck tail and run as the pencil pokers hope and pray that you will, or employ the less desireable but more productive version of confrontational. Make their life just as difficult by whatever legal means possible. It works, no more tresspassers or fence sitters.