I slipped down to the river this evening hoping to see a buck. And I did happen to see a very nice deer that I passed up, he looked like a youngster even though he was sporting a pretty rack.
About the time he was moving through I heard some pigs off in the woods maybe 150 yards away. It sounded like they were coming my way. The deer got antsy and left the area and within a minute or two I could see the pigs filtering through. A nice fat sow came waltzing by well within range. By that time the Sparrowhawk was in hand and ready. The sow paused about 15 yards from me and I drew and shot quickly. I was able to watch the arrow in flight going directly towards the spot I was concentrating on.. The arrow then buried to the fletch in her ribs. I knew the outcome as soon as the arrow left the bow. The Mohawk is 45@28 and I draw to 29 1/2 or so. I was using a Beman 500 with an Abowyer Javelina broadhead.