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Author Topic: ground hunters?  (Read 981 times)

Offline Stumpkiller

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2011, 11:51:00 AM »
Originally posted by Zradix:
Had to thread the needle..lets just say I don't sew.
Very well put.    :biglaugh:  

And the thought: "I want to have that shot over again"
Charlie P. }}===]> A.B.C.C.

Bear Kodiak & K. Hunter, D. Palmer Hunter, Ben Pearson Hunter, Wing Presentation II & 4 Red Wing Hunters (LH & 3 RH), Browning Explorer, Cobra II & Wasp, Martin/Howatt Dream Catcher, Root Warrior, Shakespeare Necedah.

Offline Pope Co.

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #21 on: November 03, 2011, 12:05:00 PM »
I have not connected. Bummer. I've had some does close but couldn't seal the deal. I think because it is my first season on the ground. I'm green at ground hunting. Some of the mishaps are totally my fault. Last Sunday I saw two does. Got so excited I did not take the time to verify how many other deer there might be. Started my sneek and busted some deer I didn't see. How grade school is that? I was watching a family group of five does. Trying to determine if I could sneek up on five deer. I had just about determined I probably couldn't, but because of my intense focus on those five I did not hear the other four that walked right up from the other direction. They passed me at ten feet. I was not in position to do anything but hold my breath. They looked me over with a look on their face, like, "what the he__ is that?" but didn't bust. I had a single doe coming in on me, I thought this just might be the one, but the wind shifted.

It's all good. Some better that others.

Offline Recurve50 LBS

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #22 on: November 03, 2011, 12:06:00 PM »
Made 2 shots this season with negative results. On another occasion this season I had a doe bust me while drawing from a distance of 8 feet!

There have been seasons where I have not even had any shot opportunity. But when you get a deer in close while you are ground hunting it is a huge rush.

IMHO hunting from the ground will force you to become a better hunter by paying closer attention to the wind and your movement.
Larry W.

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Offline Zradix

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #23 on: November 03, 2011, 12:22:00 PM »
Originally posted by Stumpkiller:
Originally posted by Zradix:
Had to thread the needle..lets just say I don't sew.
Very well put.     :biglaugh:  

And the thought: "I want to have that shot over again" [/b]
Found out my 47# setup will bury a el grande into a red pine till just about 1/8" is visible...lol
If some animals are good at hunting and others are suitable for hunting, then the Gods must clearly smile on hunting.~Aristotle

..there's more fun in hunting with the handicap of the bow than there is in hunting with the sureness of the gun.~ F.Bear

Offline JO_EZ

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2011, 01:04:00 PM »
After many (too many to say) frustrating and unsuccessfull seasons in trees, I committed to hunting the whole season from the ground. Oddly enough, this year has been my best for seeing deer and getting shots off.

All my opportunities have come when hunting new areas in the evening when I just walked in and picked a spot in the weeds or stickers to sit that just "felt" right.

Now, if I could just get my brain settled down to shoot at critters as well as  I was shooting at targets all summer...

I think I will be making a Guillie suit over the winter.
I started shooting a longbow because I thought it would simplify things and it did... now I simply need to get a whole lot closer to hit anything.

Work'n when I have to, fish'n when I can...

Offline Onehair

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2011, 01:24:00 PM »
One shot one kill. I took at doe from a low hanging stand at about 18 yards. Slightly quartering away and 65 yard dash to the end of the trail. I've seen several small bucks that need more time.

Offline dixiearcher

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2011, 02:10:00 PM »
got a big doe in a 14 steps two days ago but she looked right at me as I was drawing and it was all over...she didn't know what I was but she knew that that bush was not in the same place it was 30 seconds ago!!
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Offline Looper

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2011, 03:10:00 PM »
I've had 6 bucks within 15 yards of me, so far this year. The first time I had 3 young bucks sneak up on me from behind, catching me while I was retrieving an arrow shot at a squirrel.  They stared hard for a few minutes, but never could figure out what I was. They then fed at 50-75 yards for 30 minutes. They never presented a decent shot.

A few days later, during a pretty heavy wind storm, I spotted a huge 10 pointer feeding on acorns on about 100 yards from me. He was moving angling away from me and I tried to put a stalk on him. I started easing toward him, moving during the big gusts. Soon I was within 50 yards of him. He was facing away from me on the other side of a huge white oak.

I was so focused on him, I didn't pay attention to what was going on around me. I took a couple of steps out from behind a big downed pine, and saw movement 15 yards to my left. A very chunky 8 point was moving directly toward me. He had a mouthful of acorns and saw me about a second after I saw him. Needless to say, he boogied on out of there, taking that big buck with him.

After letting that area cool down for a week, I went back. I found several new rubs, and signs that they were still hitting the mast pretty hard.  I settled into a great spot amid an old blow down. Early on, several does moved through, but out of range. At about 10:30am, I was getting a little antsy, so I decided to still hunt upwind, in the direction the does went.

I was standing on an old stump, surveying the area in front of me, when I thought I heard a sneeze. I then heard what sounded like a dog shaking it's head, flapping it's ears. Sure enough, as I looked in the direction of the noise, I saw the gray body of a deer about 75 yards from me. It was moving in my direction.

I stood there for a second and saw that it was a small 6 point. I looked around for a better hiding spot and realized that I was standing in a area littered with dead limbs and big crunchy leaves. There was no way I could step without drawing attention. There were a lot of small oak saplings around me, so my best option was to just squat down on the stump and hope he didn't notice me.

Fat chance. His original path would have taken him parallel to me at 15 yards. I had a perfect shooting lane. I slowly turned in that direction and got my bow up and put tension on the string. I slow glance to my left revealed he was just on the other side of a big oak, 30 yards from me.

When he passed the oak, he turned directly toward me. I froze. He'd surely see any movement. He kept  coming. Twenty yards. 18. 16. 14. This is going to get interesting. At about 10 yards, he halted abruptly. His black eyes got as big as saucers and he started bobbing his head around, staring holes through me. I continued to make like a statue. After a minute or so, a swirling wind blew it for me.

I never heard one deer blow so much. He bounded off to a thick patch of brush about 60 yards away and stood there, making the world aware of something smelly in his backyard. I sneaked back out, and let him be for a few days.

Yesterday, I met up with him again. I was sitting under an mountain laurel with a jumble of small logs in front of me, hidden pretty well. Squirrels were everywhere, making nests and stashing acorns. I heard some steps behind me and a slow turn of my head revealed that same young buck moving in my direction less than 30 yards away.

My bow was leaned up against a tree to my right and as I reached for it, my pac seat squeaked pretty loudly. That did it. The buck, now at about 20 yards, stopped in his tracks and stared in my direction. I still didn't have my bow in my hand, so I just remained frozen. He stared for a few seconds, then gingerly stepped into the brush directly behind me, at less than 10 steps. He eased his way around to my right and stood directly downwind of me. Through the branches, I could see him bobbing his head and smelling the wind. After a couple of minutes, he'd had enough. He made a couple of bounds and stomped his foot a few times. He then must have caught a big whiff, as he blew a couple of times and bounced off. He didn't go far, maybe 50 yards, but by then it was dark, to I quietly left.

I'm going to go back over there on Friday. A front is blowing in and the ground should be quiet.

Offline DeCurry

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2011, 04:05:00 PM »
I'm as green as they come concerning ground hunting, but I've had a lot of fun so far this year.

This past weekend, I had 3 encounters with spikes under 15 yards, walked up on a bedded down deer (I was being dumb and hurrying [loudly] to another location), less than a minute later had 2 turkeys run 5 yards in front of me and disappear, had a doe and yearling almost walk right up to where I was sitting (she was really interested in figuring out what I was) and later had another doe and yearling feed in front of me for almost 20 minutes.

Eventually, the latter doe presented a perfect broadside shot at less than 10 yards, but she was looking right at me when I finished drawing my bow, I decided not to shoot; I had a bad gut feeling it was going to be a wound (not a string jump or arrow duck; my gut screamed, "No," so I listened and I don't regret it).

That doe tried everything she could short of charging at me to get me to move, even jumping up and down on both front legs while snorting repeatedly.  She ran off about 20 yards away and kept snorting and pacing, trying to get the yearling (still in some nearby trees, hidden from me), to follow her -- the yearling eventually came sauntering out without a care in the world wondering what all the commotion was; she kept snorting and stomping at them (not me).  It was kind of hilarious; like a young kid in some serious 'Get your butt over here, NOW!' trouble.  Soon after, they jumped a nearby fence and were gone.

Oh, had a hilarious encounter with a lone cow.  I saw two deer across a creek coming towards a spot they crossover which would lead them on a path right past me.  Through cedars, I barely spy their gray/brown hides moving on the path to me... coming closer... my heart is pounding... suddenly, there's a giant pale form off to my left through the trees.  I have no idea what it is.  It moves (loudly) towards the deer.  Suddenly to my right, a very large cow comes walking out from behind a tree at a fast pace and stops dead in its tracks, staring at me wide-eyed and I swear its mouth was agape in shock.  I almost laughed out loud.  It looked side-to-side...  It took a step back...  It went to its right to hide behind a tree that was between us. It then sloooowly peeked around the other side of the tree... and suddenly took off running!  About 100 yards away was a very steep hill covered in trees; all I heard was limbs breaking for awhile and eventually I see the dark silhouette of a cow atop the hill.  A few seconds later, I hear a triumphant, "uuuhh-MOOOOOOO-UHHH!"  I had to hold my hand over my mouth as I laughed for a good minute; it was surreal.  As far as I know, the cow scared off the deer, I never saw them come out.
"I was raised on wolves milk, though it seems I sleep like a lamb."

Offline 3Feathers

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #29 on: November 09, 2011, 05:54:00 PM »
I Have the weekend and 3-days next week to try out a rancho safari long-coat.Already took a nice doe in my treestand.Will give it a 110% for the 5 days I have to hunt on the ground.Found a couple of hot-spots...Aim-small....Shootstraight
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Offline foxbo

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #30 on: November 09, 2011, 07:23:00 PM »
Had a six pointer walk past me at 14 yards and stare directly at me. I was sitting in my hammock seat with my Sleeping Indian Shape shifter on. He never made me until he passed and finally got my wind. Pretty neat stuff.

Offline doowop

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #31 on: November 09, 2011, 11:05:00 PM »
Killed a 8 pointer ground hunting last week. Love my ghillie suit.

Offline Fletcher

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #32 on: November 09, 2011, 11:08:00 PM »
Tagged this guy from the ground last Friday morning.  I'll be back in the same woods this Friday, but probably in a tree for a different wind.  On the ground is definitely more exciting.

Good judgement comes from experience.  Experience comes from bad judgement.

"The next best thing to playing and winning is playing and losing."

"An archer doesn't have to be a bowhunter, but a bowhunter should be an archer."

Offline Bjorn

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #33 on: November 09, 2011, 11:43:00 PM »
I have shot several hogs and an elk on the ground this year much prefer to hunt by spot and stalk.

Offline RC

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #34 on: November 09, 2011, 11:50:00 PM »
Nice Buck Fletcher.Congrats,RC.

Offline Fletcher

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2011, 07:39:00 PM »
Thanks, RC.  I was using a GN Critter Gitter that I think I got in a trade from you.  Great bow and deathly quiet.  Rick
Good judgement comes from experience.  Experience comes from bad judgement.

"The next best thing to playing and winning is playing and losing."

"An archer doesn't have to be a bowhunter, but a bowhunter should be an archer."

Offline Hill Hunter

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2011, 09:42:00 PM »
one miss on a nice buck, one coyote down at 12 yards,and a nice buck at 18 yards, going to try to fill some doe tags this week, we will see how it goes.
Ps 8:3 ¶ When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
 4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

Offline PaddyMac

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2011, 12:09:00 AM »
you guys rock...

man, it's been rough here. my late season opens the 23rd... and that's looking pretty good. i'm pretty stoked. but i've never hunted over there before.

locally the bucks are just nuts on the rut...  i mean, really putting on a show.
Pat McGann

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Offline Slickhead

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #38 on: November 14, 2011, 06:59:00 AM »
Have not had any deer within range this year.
Bummer  :confused:

Offline Paul/KS

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Re: ground hunters?
« Reply #39 on: November 14, 2011, 07:06:00 AM »
Haven't seen a thing in the patch of woods where my brush blind is... deer seem to be holed up closer to ponds around my place.

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