Maybe I'm the outsider here. I've never really felt threatened or irritated or angry at those who don't have a clue. They just don't understand, but that doesn't produce any negative reaction on my end. I've always rather enjoyed doing things that others think are unlikely or difficult. That's what led me to bowhunting originally, and why I still take the "road less travelled". If there is someone out there who thinks my archery hunting gear is questionable, I understand that. They might feel the same way about my ultralight ice rods for big fish. I get it.
I freely admit that I don't understand what everyone else is perhaps I am an ignorant man. I much prefer the term "unaware". When I came seriously to the world of "traditional" bowhunting, I began to see things I was unaware of. I held plenty of misconceptions. The graciousness of many good men helped me find knowledge, progress and awareness. I'm still very glad for these men, and I use their example in my many ways.