Life is strange. You never know where it leads. . .
After 30 years of hunting the west----and all points even further west----I finally headed east. North Carolina and Virginia to be exact.
This october, I killed a doe and two of the smallest bucks ever killed by bow and arrow. They were the first white tail bucks I have killed.
Still. . . after three decades of bow-killed antelope and mule deer and moose and bear and coyote, and, yes, of course, big bull elk, I have to admit, the whitetail thing has finally bit. I will go after them again, but next time, with three weeks of time and a canoe. But that's a story for another time. . .
I packed my mule deer camp in today, and set my tent up in the horizontally blowing snow. The hunt will be cold, and the hunt will be tough, and as always, it will be 100 percent fun.
But man, I can tell you all, when I return from the wilds to civilization, I will be looking forward to Mike's tale and photographs. I am just guessing, but I have a feeling this one's a good one!
P.S. If you don't have Mike's book in your bowhunter library, and in your hunter's heart, well, you need to rub off a little bit more of civilization.