imho, this r/d or d/r thing isn't in the same category as "there, they're, their", as the grammatical use of those words are part of the qualified rules of the english language.
r/d (or d/r) is merely referring to reflex in the limbs and deflex in the riser. put it in whatever order makes ya happy. i've never heard or seen in print where there is a grammatical rule or precedence that requires it to be one way or the other. perhaps i just look at it as the simplistic street vernacular of traditional archery, 'n y'all knows what i mean, don't'cha, eh?
oh, and this thing ...
... is, imho, r/d/r - reflexed at the limb's ends, deflexed at mid-limb and reflexed again at the riser. as always, ymmv. :D