Wow, this is a great opportunity and I'm sorely tempted. My boss at home left today on a mission trip to Alaska for a week and my boss at work gave me a bunch of crap today, to the point that I may quit. I have a Colorado hunt that starts on Sept. 4 and ends on Sept. 19, and after that I'm driving up to Montana to hunt elk and deer. The cost can't be beat and I'd love to make it a "September to remember". I can just imagine that conversation when I pick up my wife at the airport:
me: Welcome home. I have good news and bad news, which do you want first?
her: Uh...the good news?
me: I'm going caribou hunting with some Tradgangers! I already sent in the check to some guy in Woodstock, GA. It's OK though, I think he is a TBG member.
her: Oh....(icy stare)...then what's the bad news?
me: I told my boss to take his job and shove it. I quit last week! So, can I carry those bags, you look faint.
her: You're a dead man walking when I get my hands around your skinny red neck, you little ##^%$%^^&