What an awsome day to be in the woods. This morning I watched a little 4 pt chasing a doe then nothing till 4pm. I was in my all day stand daze and I hear that buck on a mission cadence in leaves coming down the hill behind me. So i can hear him but for the life of me i couldnt see him then all the sudden there he is at 35yds. He was directly behund me and had to decide which side of the tree he is gonna take. So hear he comes on my left, perfect hes a solid 3 yr old 8pt. about 16 or 17 in wide (this is apreety good deer for central Pa public land) and hes gonna pass by at 10 yds. Except for the fact that this is a Pa public land buck and he aint dumb. He checks himself and slows down taking in whats going on around him. I know this isnt gonna be good hes spending to much time in close proximity to me. So here he is 20yds facing me and all the sudden i feel the wind hit my right cheek. Well you all know what happened next, he didnt blow out but he got enough to turn around and go back the way he came. That was really cool, I started shaking uncontrollably and laughing. I havnt had that reaction to a close encounter in along time and Im happy to have it back. I was starting to worry about myself lol. Anyhow I then saw a little pike right at dark. Back at it tommorow for an another all day sit, cant wait. Good luck fellas and ladies.