After about 30 arrows through the bow and settling on 30.5 BOP GT Trad 35/55s with factory inserts and 145gr tips tailed by Bohning Signature nocks I got this group at 15 yards. Max spread is about 5 inches. The yellow dot in the center is roughly 2.5" in diameter.
If poor shooting me can get that grouping without a good tuning session just think what you good shooters could do with some effort with one of these bows!!
These limbs are marked 53 @ 28. I'm drawing every bit the 28. It feels light for that weight, but, the way it throws the arrows it seems like it's more than 53. I have no scale to measure it. Point being, it draws light but hits hard and fast. The draw is smooth from start to finish with no, NADA, handshock upon release. The bow is somewhat forgiving of a poor release. Trust me, my releases aren't the best nor are they comfortably consistent. The skinny string is starting to show some wear on the top loop. I'll wax it up before going further with it. Noise upon release is there, but not abnormally loud, nor not as quiet as I've experienced with other bows. Again, my release ain't consistent. I'd like to shoot this bow with a B55 string and yarn puffs just to hear any difference. I'm a B50/B55 fan.
I didn't mess with brace height. Right now it's at 7.5".
I'd still like to see the window opened up just a bit. Allen key was in the package. I'll try to locate one and ship it with the bow.
I'll take it to the NCTAC shoot Saturday and hopefully to two 3D shoots Sunday so several hands can get on it.
I'll try my best to send it out Monday. I'll need the address of the next in line.
Work that handle grip thing out Dave and your Hitman LB will be a hit to its owners!!