On Thursday, just at 5 pm, I saw a nice buck on the other hillside walking to the east. I grunted and called and he came in just like they do in the magazines. Oh that's good. But when he got up the ridge to me, he was a little spooky and I rushed the shot with the arrow going over his back. Oh that's bad.
I go to the same stand in the morning and immediately a whopper of a buck is coming up a small ridge to the south of me and eventually presents a 10 yard broadside shot. Oh that's good. But when I shoot, I see most of the arrow sticking out. Oh that's bad. He runs off down into a creekbottom and up the other side. I am sure I hear the death crash on the other hillside. Oh that's good.
I wait for 2 hours and then begin to track. At first I could not find any blood but then only a drop. Oh that's bad. Then a few more drops. Not a lot of blood but able to discern the direction he went. Near the top of the hill, the blood trail gets real big. Oh that's good. Now I am really moving along and find some hair with blood where it looks like he fell and got up. I follow the blood trail all the way to... the gut pile. Somebody found my buck, field dressed him and took off. OH THAT IS VERY BAD.