The shadow of this buck is what I will always remember about this hunt. I was in the thick safety of a pine tree when I saw four legs walking along the edge of the shelterbelt. I readied myself looking toward the end row of the trees in front of me facing the west as the sun went down. Before I physically saw the buck, I saw his shadow first. Sweeping tines outline the top of a graceful shadow on the ground. My heart immediately began speeding up at the sight, knowing this was the opportunity I had been waiting for. Moments later when the buck actually appeared, I made a grunt noise to stop him. He looked behind for the grunt while my arrow sped through the air. The shot was 15 yards, my sweet spot when it comes to shooting traditional bow, and the arrow found its intended mark. The buck expired quickly, always something to be thankful for. Seeing his shadow first was a special twist on a memorable hunt.
The view from my tree stand as the sun sets...