my replies to a woman who "hates seeing those cute animals get killed by barbaric hunters".
part of her pitch were statements from the dalai lama and froude.
"Killing animals for sport, for pleasure, for adventure, and for
hides and furs is a phenomena which is at once disgusting and
distressing. There is no justification in indulging is such acts of
~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama"he is careful not to include the killing of animals to sustain human
life. he talks only of animal killing for profit - either ego or money.
he may have been a vegan, but he fully understood the need of the
overpopulated middle east's need for protein, or the world for that
"Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the
torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.
~ Froude (1818-1894)" this truism has nothing to do with hunting but with how man treats man.
i doubt froude was a vegan.
what these "great minds" fail to consider is that the act of the hunt is
an innate, genetic survival factor that hasn't yet been eradicated from
the human gene pool after millenniums. to disregard this core human
truth is lying to oneself. it's the same truth that can be observed in
all carnivore pet animals, who exhibit a strong desire to hunt and kill,
even though they're well fed by their human caretakers, and yet they do not
consume their kills.
in this century, some humans do hunt for "sport", without regard for the
creatures they stalk and kill, use inappropriate weaponry, and do it for
all the wrong, inhumane reasons - mainly for the "trophy" and for the
ego. they do not esteem the creatures they hunt and kill, they are not
careful to kill in a humane manner, they do not use that killed animal
to sustain life, be it for human or animal consumption. they do not
understand or act in the manner of the old, ancient ways - which go back
only a century or so with the american indian, and then further back to
just afterprehistoric time.
some humans hunt in an ethical, humane manner that is far more
considerate and respectful of the creatures they prey than the manner of
animal death delivered in commercial slaughterhouses for animal, fowl
and fish. instead of grocery shopping the easy way, they choose the
harder way, and the game they efficiently kill are used to sustain life
in the same manner as buying meat at the local butcher shop.
in the modern act of "hunting", for the ethical hunter the kill is
ancillary and not the ultimate goal, and the reason why that hunter
fails to kill most of the time when hunting. there are other attributes
to the hunt to be considered, including the connection to nature, the
order of the universe, and the ancient ways. this becomes far more
apparent with the hunter's choice of hunting weaponry.
if a human does not consume, or utilize in any manner, animate creatures
- animals, fowl, fish - their personal crusade for promoting only a
vegan attitude towards human survival is quite rational. maybe in some
millennium that will be true for all humans. however, if that is not a
human's profile, someone had to kill those creatures for that human to
eat and use. there is no moral validity in a "human partial vegan",
that's just another form of hypocrisy.