To get onto feral cattle or Buffalo you will 99.9999% of the time have to use an outfitter . The places these animals usually inhabit are very remote ...
pigs are well spread across the country and are huntable in many many parts of Australia . Note that due to disease most people do not eat feral hogs here in Oz . I eat them if taken in green country or near the coast ... the western plains pigs I leave for goanna's ... or other pigs .
Also remember we have numerous rabbits [ everywhere ]foxes, goats and seven species of deer plus camels ...
Its a big place , nearly the same size as the USA with less than 20 million people , most of whom live in close proximity to the eastern coast . Its a big beautiful place with a bunch of critters to hunt .
Andy Ivy would be a good contact or any of us Aussie tradgangers can pouint you in the right direction .