imo, for stalk or blind hunting game larger than small, it's hard to beat a 4 to 6 arrow *lightweight* bow quiver w/fletch cover. for small game, a side or back quiver will hold the dozen to eighteen shafts required.
bow quivers keep yer ammo on yer weapon, are compact, don't get in the way or flop around, move easily through the bush while on yer hands and knees, and add a measure of "stability" to yer stick bow.
i use an efa 4 or 5 arrow ultra-lightweight totem bow quiver, with a clip-on for a judo. the "totem" feature joins both parts of the quiver so it becomes one unit that can be removed and with a simple strap it becomes a side quiver.
a side stalker quiver i made that will easily hold 18 small game/roving arrows ...