Ok I will wrap this up. He is there at 50 yards so I decide to stand and get the bow off the holder. He kind of hangs up, so I give a few soft bleats with my call. He turns and comes, he gets to about 25 yards and turns broadside, I put some pressure on the string but decide to wait. I figure he will come closer, he takes his time but works in to about 15 yards. When he gets this close he seems to get a bit nervous and turns and starts to angle away, I figure it is now or never, I draw pick a spot low almost below him as he is on that downside and maybe 30ft. below. I release and whack, I hit a limb about halfway to him, he bolts and I bleat and he stops, but too late he knows something is up and even though he hangs around for 10 minutes never offers me another shot. I sit and put another arrow on the string and figure I am done for the morning. I nock another arrow and sit back and not 10 seconds later I hear a grunt. I turn and look below along the creek and standing not 12 yards away but about 45 ft. below is a nice 2.5 year old 6pt. Back in the game I figure, well this buck stood there for over a half an hr. and he did not move a muscle. I think he must have caught my movement earlier because he is frozen. All of a sudden he just turns and walks down into the creek and acrossed it, I than decide to grunt and when I do, he kind of tucks tail and heads away. I really blew it. I decide to climb down and as I am leaving I look into the woods and see my arrow. I walk in to get it and low and behold I should of never shot at the 4pt. when I did. It turns out he was just heading down another run that would of lead him right out onto the power line and would have given me a 12 yard shot in the wide open and not so mch if a steep angle. Sorry I did not get us back on the board and sorry for the long post but figured you guys need some encouragement!
I will say this I think the bucks are looking again and on my way out I noticed several scrapes that have been opened up again after not being worked in a few weeks. As for the post from Izzy, there was a close to 180" deer hit by a car about 1/2 mile from the house today. He actually laid dead within a couple hundred yards of several of my treestands!! I will be at it again tomorrow, hopefully with a story about a dead deer!! Goodnight! Shawn