Why does someone have/collect vintage cars, firearms, antiques...etc?? I think it is because that is what that person enjoys, and likes to surround themselves with. I know a guy who collects and restores old outboard boat motors, not my cup of tea, but he thoroughly enjoys sitting for hours tinkering in his shop and messing with them. My father is the same way with scales, has a whole section of his workshop devoted to displaying them. So with me and many others on this site, its bows. I have a wall full of them in my basement man cave. I like having them, tinkering with them, getting them all tuned...etc. It's just my thing. My wife actually likes my love affair with bows, she says I'm never more content than when I'm messing with my bows, she just smiles watching me do something I enjoy, and knowing I could be spending my time doing a lot worse things.