My feeling is when they did away with the county by county doe allotment system and lumped it into larger management areas it compounded the problem,take area 2G where I,ve hunted for years it incompasses 10 different counties or parts of with a big variation in terrain.From big woods to an agriculture,I can't see how this big an area can be managed effectively,I haven't seen a noticable improvement in the more remote areas I hunt,there's always have been some nice bucks taken I took a 142 incher in the 80's but to say flat out the entire program is succesful I disagree.The herd is way down,how do I build the excitement in my younger grandsons when you can sit day after day in proven areas and not see a deer,and it's not the Game Commission's excuse that there isn't any feed out there,sure the mast crop is down this year but there's always has been other sources and that hasn't changed,there's more browse then before with that drastic herd reduction practice the deer just aren't there.