He jumps the fence in two bounds and heads straight west along it. I see the fletched end of my arrow sticking out about ten inches right behind the shoulder as he clears the fence. Two more bounds and the arrow is gone, broke off as he passes a tree. He makes it about 35 yards and I can remember second guessing my shot. “Why was the arrow sticking out? It looked a little low? How much penetration did I get?” Just then, at about 40 yards he stops and turns a little. I can see the exit hole low and back a ways, still in the ribs. He stands for just a few seconds and stumble and falls. I can remember thinking “HOLY @#&%! I JUST KILLED THE BEST BUCK OF MY LIFE!”
I sit down and watch him. He tries to get up a couple of times then is still. The doe and little buck are still close. They both move over by where my buck is laying dead, the doe gets nervous and moves on to the east up through the timber. The little buck gets closer, he gets a nose full of my buck, snorted and takes off back down the hill.
Sitting there I’m so excited, I grab my phone a send out a text to my wife, kids, and a few friends. I wait about 15 minutes and then climb down, put my gear away and go to where he was standing when I shot him. I don’t need to blood trail him, I know where he’s laying but I curious about the blood trail and I want to find my arrow. I find the back half of my arrow just over the fence. The blood trail is good, blowing out both sides.
I get to my buck and I am excited. My best buck ever.

He’s a main frame 8 pointer with an extra point next to his right brow tine, he has a kicker off his left G2, and a 5 inch drop tine off his left main beam.
He must have been slightly quartered too me when I shot him because my arrow entered just behind the near shoulder and angled back, exiting about 4 ribs back. The Wensel Woodsman Broad head was sticking out the far side about ½ an inch. I grabbed the broadhead and pulled it on through. Later when gutting him I checked and I hit both lungs and caught the top edge of his heart.
I ran home to get my wife so she could take some pictures, and I wanted to get my youngest boy to help me “find” my deer. CJ is 3, and he loves to shoot his bow. He was so excited about helping me “find your buck!”
It was fun seeing his reaction when we got to my buck. He wasn’t quite sure what to think about it at first. He was a little hesitant then he got over that and I think he was almost as excited about it as I was. It was a great day that will live on in my memories for a long time.
Here in Kansas we only get one buck tag, and I was extremely happy to hang it on this deer. So it looks like my season is pretty much over, I will get out a few more times and try to fill a doe tag. My oldest boy David is 15 and wants to shoot a deer with his bow this year so I’ll get to do a little hunting with him, and Matthew my 12 year old wants to shoot his first deer this year as well, only he’ll be using a rifle.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.