Well,I am been working this place almost new to me for 2 months,the guys with dogs aren't permitted to enter the area for now because one gunner shot a person passing buy,so they stopped all the activity with the guns;this is good because the wild boar are increased in number(quite a lot)and they are more predictable since they aren't spooked everyday by the hounds.
I killed a bigger one in OCT,I posted that story here back then,but not been able to score on another one. I have spent 5 or 6 afternoon there without seeing anything,they looked to come much later.One night I saw 2 nice ones but my friend made some noise when I was going to draw my bow and they were gone!
They were coming from a very thick ticket going to water and wallow on a nearby creek.This area is one hour drive from home so I can hunt it on the afternoon because my dayly business.
yesterday night I arrived a little bit late,but stil one hour before dark and I found a hidding place in the high grass on a very steep rise.