With all of my recent threads, and entries on others threads, re safety, harnesses, etc while bowhunting or practicing from the trees - it dawned on me the other day that my avatar still showed me in one of my older rigs. I decided it was time for a change. The older one was a vest but it was pointed out by a friend that the leg straps didn't appear to cup my legs in a "seat" as they should. The end result of some research on my part was to buy and talk about the new Rescue One System - which I have done here, and in TGMM, of late.
I decided I should also update my avatar to reflect the safety change. It has been too unseasonably warm the past week or so to hunt comfortably and yesterday was supposed to be the last of that. So I chose to take advantage of it, and got the wife to take some pics in preparation to change my avatar. I submitted a request to our beleaguered, always helpful Admin, Rob (with my member # in the subject line - I did remember that) but, because I can't seem to remember all that I'm about these days, I forgot to "attach" the pics - DUH! So I had to re-submitt - LOL
Anyway I thought I'd point up the (pending) change that Rob always helps us with, and my change to safer equipment. It really helps to feel comfortable, and in the best safety harness you can possibly afford, up there in those trees, Guys n' gals. Here are the results of the avatar change preparation pics.
Man, that sure is an old looking geezer when he's concentrating hard to make sure that he has all his gear on him before climbing, i.e. tree strap, recovery strap, etc. - (Rose didn't have to take THAT pic - LOL):

Here is the pic - shooting from my ladder stand with my Rescue One on and safely strapped to the tree - my recovery strap is safely stored in the waistline, at the small of my back:

A cropped clos-er up in case it's better for the new avatar:

Here is a bonus shot Rose took to show how pleased I was to have accomplished something i planned to do - besides just sitting around the house. I was also pleased that my Anneewakee Addiction, "Blackie" had scored a kill shot on my foam deer - even if i was shooting a blunt - LOL:

The avatar change should take place soon (when Rob is able to get this old coot straight - LOL) Good hunting to all of you, and PLEASE do your very best to stay safe, especially up there in the trees. I really don't care to loose any more friends/relatives this year.