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Author Topic: Hunting Wear  (Read 777 times)

Offline monk

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Hunting Wear
« on: December 08, 2011, 11:39:00 AM »
I am really finding it difficult to find the right combo of hunting clothing. I wanted a uniform camo pattern; the ability to LAYER  the same camo from early season (warm: 45/60-70's morning to daytime high temps) to late season (20/30-35 morning lows to daytime highs) and cannot get it right. What have you guys found to wrk in this scenario?

Offline Overspined

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Re: Hunting Wear
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2011, 11:58:00 AM »
ASAT, predator both have multiple weight clothing available

Online Orion

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Re: Hunting Wear
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2011, 12:50:00 PM »
KOM and Graywolf woolens.  KOM offers two weights of wool and Gray wolf offers a suede material in addition to wool.  The lighter weights in either work well in 60-70 degrees.

Offline PeteA

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Re: Hunting Wear
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2011, 12:59:00 PM »
Check out Day One Camo.
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Online Stumpkiller

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Re: Hunting Wear
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2011, 01:24:00 PM »
I seem to be able to get around it by not worrying about it.  I do have matched camo in various patterns, but each is suitable for different temps so I often end up mixing and shrugging.  Plaids and camo with solids or much different camo.  I have a pretty good selection now of Mossy Oak Break Up synthetics for three season, but give me wool in the snow and cold.

None of it will completely cover motion in any case.  But some is amazingly good when in the right surroundings.  I have some old Bottomland Rock-O-Flage that is great in dry field grass and goldenrod, fall with the leaves still on or standing corn.  Places a dark camo stinks.

The other alternative is sharp contrast camo - ASAT, Winona, Plaid.  Breaks up the outline in most situations because 1/2 blends whether light or dark.

What you can do is get a light camo coverall and vary what you wear under it - leaving that on top.
Charlie P. }}===]> A.B.C.C.

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Offline PaddyMac

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Re: Hunting Wear
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2011, 01:49:00 PM »
I have predator (spring and brown) in cotton fatigue pants, cotton long sleeve tee shirts, fleece sweat shirt, fleece pants, fleece jacket, cotton jersy gloves, balaclava and a fleece vest with a homemade ghillie hat made out of sissel, burlap and fleece camo. In cold weather I wear underarmor top and bottom and I'm usually good to go. The fleece is big on my so if it's really cold I can add layers below. The fleece is lighter than the cotton and works well in snow. But out of that I can make combos that work in anything.
Pat McGann

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Offline bfrbmj

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Re: Hunting Wear
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2011, 04:15:00 PM »
How about a leafy 3d suit, and wear whatever you want underneath.  I prefer to not wear matching camo in the hope that it breaks up the human outline more- asat, predator and plaid combined however I feel like at the time.
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Offline stujay

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Re: Hunting Wear
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2011, 04:41:00 PM »
If you have a local sporting store with camo clothing or Cabela's nearby check them out. Almost infinite ways to go.

Offline Stick n' String

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Re: Hunting Wear
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2011, 04:43:00 PM »
I have found that what works best for me is a layered combination of wool and synthetics, depending upon what I am hunting and where. I am a big fan of the Sitka line. For most applications, I wear a merino wool base layer beneath a pair of the 90% or Ascent pants (the latter if I am hunting in extremely warm conditions, whereas I will ditch the merino). In the mountains, I will wear either a traverse or core Zip-T with a Kelvin vest beneath the 90% jacket. If I am stand hunting whitetail or otherwise hunting where it gets and stays very cold, I will eschew the zip-t for a Woolrich or KOM shirt (I love KOM's Frontier Shirt) with a Kelvin jacket over that. I generally finish the outfit with the same 90% jacket for its wind-blocking and water resistant properties.

Offline Rob W.

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Re: Hunting Wear
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2011, 05:14:00 PM »
A leafy suit and different weights of long underwear.

This stuff ain't no rocket surgery science!

Offline kykiller

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Re: Hunting Wear
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2011, 07:58:00 PM »
Natural Gear has both lightweight and windceptor fleece.  Both will fit all the temps you talk about well.
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Offline Autumnarcher

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Re: Hunting Wear
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2011, 08:54:00 PM »
Over the years I've gone through a lot of huntin duds. I stuck with Predator for a long time, but as I got wiser, I found cotton didnt cut it, other than early season deer huntin.

I got tired of tryin to match my early and late season clothes by camo pattern. No sense it it really. I startted buying good quality clothes ( within my price range).

But in doing so, I have a mix and match assortment. PRedator, ASAT, Cabelas outfitter camo etc. Mot of it thesedays is either fleece or wool. Throw in a couple pairs of military surplus wool pants and a wool sweater.

Then, a couple years ago I discovered the easiest way to tie it all together. I bought an ASAT 3D leafy suit. its lightwieght, excellent camo, and can be worn over top of whatever clothes you want to wear. I wear it all the time now, early to late season. Solved a lot of problems, and I think the ASAT camo is the best for breaking up the human outline. Especially in 3D.

Tonight for example, it was about 30 degrees with a stiff 20mph wind. I wore wool pants, wool bibs, merino wool base layer, wool sweater, and a cabelas fleece hoodie with windstop liner. Then threw the leafy suit on over top and plopped my butt down on a stool in a blowdown. Toasty warm, and invisible to all except the deer that got downwind of me.
...stood alone on a montaintop, starin out at a great divide, I could go east, I could go West, it was all up to me to decide, just then I saw a young hawk flyin and my soul began to rise......

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