Over the years I've gone through a lot of huntin duds. I stuck with Predator for a long time, but as I got wiser, I found cotton didnt cut it, other than early season deer huntin.
I got tired of tryin to match my early and late season clothes by camo pattern. No sense it it really. I startted buying good quality clothes ( within my price range).
But in doing so, I have a mix and match assortment. PRedator, ASAT, Cabelas outfitter camo etc. Mot of it thesedays is either fleece or wool. Throw in a couple pairs of military surplus wool pants and a wool sweater.
Then, a couple years ago I discovered the easiest way to tie it all together. I bought an ASAT 3D leafy suit. its lightwieght, excellent camo, and can be worn over top of whatever clothes you want to wear. I wear it all the time now, early to late season. Solved a lot of problems, and I think the ASAT camo is the best for breaking up the human outline. Especially in 3D.
Tonight for example, it was about 30 degrees with a stiff 20mph wind. I wore wool pants, wool bibs, merino wool base layer, wool sweater, and a cabelas fleece hoodie with windstop liner. Then threw the leafy suit on over top and plopped my butt down on a stool in a blowdown. Toasty warm, and invisible to all except the deer that got downwind of me.