Well guess who doen't have to work tomorrow! That's right me. I'll be out for the last day of the 6 day fire arm season here in Jersey. I can hunt until December 31st in the Zone I'm going to. I passed on 3 different small Bucks this permit season here so far. A 4 pt, a small racked big body 5 pt that I called in on the ground, and a small 6 pt. My Bud and I have a bunch of bruisers on trail cam. Saw one 2 weeks ago on a Saturday night to dark to pick a spot. Between work and the season winding down I'm getting antsy. Going to hunt a nasty thicket that borders a swamp. Once the sun comes up the orange army should be beating the brush putting drives on. Hopefully I'll get lucky. Good Luck to you that get out. Be careful out there Folks!