I wasn't very happy with this but took a quick picture anyway.
Once again I went to the woods to hunt for a doe.. A close family friend really likes venison and it is my obligation to get it.
This doe came in and was very edgy.. I felt like she may be difficult to get an arrow in. We've all been there. Sometimes it seems as if these spooky does can out run a .22-250 !
I waited until she was looking the other way and drew the bow.. She was on the edge of my comfort range but I felt very confident that if she would just stand there I could pull it off. As I released I could see her reacting to the sound but quicker than a blink she was down.. I believe she was whirling away when the arrow took her high and spined her. She was down instantly and I followed with a second shot to finish her. The shaft seen in the picture is the first arrow, it was broken when she fell and lodged in bone..
She was 18 yards and I used the Sparrowhawk and an Abowyer Antelope broadhead.. I got the head out of the bone in perfect shape, no surprise about that.