My eldest son (with his compound) shot over a coyote and two does, then nicked a buck in the chest when he had to lean a bit in the blind and was looking past his peep instead of through it. He did get a doe from his tree stand.
My youngest son killed a young doe, then missed a nice buck, and single lunged one at six yards that he did not recover. He had converted from traditional to compound because his new job left him less time to practice. I told him he should go back to his Kanati and Woodsmans. He killed a nice 12 point 150+ buck with that two years ago.
They are both pretty good shots, but shooting a compound certainly doesn't guarantee kills. They both know that now.
Most of the guys I know who hunt with compounds are kind of in awe of anyone who shoots a traditional bow. Many can't understand how you can hit something without the use of sights, range finders, etc. I have to say, I've never had anyone disparage me or my bow for my choice of weapon.