I think you have more to do with it than you are giving yourself credit for. I have learned one thing from conversations with my son and daughter,,,It's not so much the talks we have with our children although that is very important but its more the example we set for them, they learn by watching us and you sir must have been living right. Even then I have seen alot of kids go astray for a few years (the discovery years) but it seems most come back to their roots and some like your son never seem to have the need to look for other things. I dont know, I'm just happy that there are kids like this out there and you should be proud. Congradulations. I am proud of my son too, he is my fishing and hunting partner and my best friend, always has been and he is thirty years old. He has faced alot of adversity and handles himself well and is a good father to the most presious little grad daughter a man could ask for. We are blessed and lucky men.