For me personally a whip. Here's a couple of numbers for ya. My whip is 64" 53lbs @ 28, my centaur is 62" 54 lbs @28. The whip is tuned to a total arrow weight of 530 grains, the centaur is tuned to a total arrow weight of 540 grains, both right at 10 gpp. I have chrono'd the whip at 170 fps and the centaur at 175. I don't think that Dan gets enough credit for the speed that his bows are able to generate.
Dan has also redesigned the limb profile for his 58, 60, and 62 inch whips to generate additional speed from them, he has also told me that the draw is smoother, as if that is even possible. They are probably the smoothest drawing bow that I have had the chance to shoot. I have not had the chance to shoot the new limb design yet, but I am going to visit him over the holidays when I am back home in Montana. The last whip Dan built for me was a XX (XX = select woods) and he was able to build in six days. You will be hard pressed to find better customer service than Dan.