OK Treb, thanks buddy , guess the cat is out of the bag.I will make sure that a large Yew log falls on you as you walk in the door next time you are in town.
Pictures yeah , I wish I could , we had a break in three weeks ago, no worries they caught the SOB!
But one of the items he took was the camera I use to upload pics to the web page.
Hopefully they will give me back that soon.
I will try to upload a few over the weekend with another camera.
However for now I can tell you , yes I am making the Raptor Signature longbow again and yes its me thats making it .In a nutshell , yew limbs under clear glass with elk antler tips and a radius cut laminated forward set riser in 60", 62" and 64".
Even the 60" and 62" bow pulls like a longer bow due to the limb design.
Fast flight compatible deflex/reflex flatbow.
Pics soon as well as on the web site.