You're gonna find at least one person here for each bowyer out there that makes R/D Longbows,
Let's face it, they are all probably "pretty good" or they'd be outta business. That said, blow through the sponsor list, browse their sites, see if anything snags yur fancy, then search for threads about 'em.
Black Widows, Big Jims, Centars, 3 Rivers, Shrews, Black Creek, Caribow, Stalker, Dwyer, Holm Made, St joe River, etc, etc. all make fine bows. I've shot at least one bow from of all the above bowyers. Im sure the ones I have not tried are fine bows too.
You're with in driving distance of kalamazoo. Try and spend at least one day at the Trad Expo there in Jan. Shoot most of those listed above at the expo and see for yourself which one(s) tickle your gizzard. Drive up to 3 rivers and try the Tomahawks. If you can wait till June and go to Cloverdale and shoot many more.
My favorite may not suit you worth a darn. But they are all good bows.
But, to answer your question directly... my first R/D LB and probably still my favorite (and a great bang for the $) is a Big Jim Buffalo Bow.
Best of luck in the search of your bow. Finding just the right one and the anticipation of your first shot with that baby is half the fun I get out of archery.