one tx county tried bounty's one year. they ran out of money in less than a month and the bounty was cheap!!! If you have insurance, traps,dogs, suppressors and night vision you can hunt a lot of tx land for free. Actually it has nothing to do with hunting,ethics or any of the such, the game is too kill as many as you can. We killed over 500 in 1 weekend(helicopter) on a certain ranch in south tx earlier in the year.(shot 5000 rounds of ammo!!!) And we take lots out of town and on golf courses as well. I have shot them out of peoples yards off golf courses at night with them never even knowing what was going on.(300 black out and a good can take care of the problem). Lots of hogs were spread over the state to introduce something else to hunt especially in e tx because there were not many deer in deep etx in the 60's-through almost 1990. I know people who went to south tx and caught hogs with dogs and brought them back and turned them loose. old time deer dog hunters couldnt hunt deer with dogs no more so they brought in hogs to run and shoot like they did deer. then they started just cutting boars and turning them loose and trying to grow trophy hogs, letting sows go etc. We do depredation on a national wildlife refuge and even at that some of the guys I know will turn the boars back loose in the marsh so they will be big fat and have some cutters on them the next time they are caught.
Poison is not the way to go, i have seen several try it and end up killing every thing but the hogs. I have seen farmers use timec and kill everything around, they got a few hogs but killed way more non target animals.
If the state would pay the pro's the battle would go a lot better but dont know if that will ever happen. wish they would do like what my dad did in australia, they would pay for all the shells and wages to shoot as many parrots as you could possibly kill. Hogs aint going nowhere anytime soon, people have to stop treating them like game and dont let it bother them to shoot them on sight no matter where you hit them as long as they die!!! a good hog is a dead hog if you recover them or not!! (I like to eat them as well).