December 26th is the start of the late archery season here in PA. I always enjoy hunting late season...this year will be special again!
At 5:45 on that Monday, I will be enjoying a Pa Dutch, all you can eat, gourmet breakfast at the Lititz home of DocNock! Then we will load up my truck and head southeast for Chester County and White Clay Creek, trying to fill some deer tags...
We hunted there last January, and found some interesting areas...but the deep snow tired two mature(old) guys out rather quickly. There will be no snow Monday, so we should be able to get through the day without a visit to the chiropractor, or ice packs afterwards!
Since I usually hunt alone, the company and conversation will be well worth I was always told to heed my elders! :rolleyes:
Looking forward to a good time with a good friend...maybe we'll kill a deer or two, maybe we'll solve the world's problems, but probably we'll just enjoy each other's company for the day and that will be enough for me.....
The camera will be along for the trip, so stories and photos will surely follow on this thread!
here is a photo of Doc I found, it's from last year's hunt.....
