Craig....good luck in your neck of Chester County!
Looks like the weather will be different this year..last year we had 10+inches of snow, and cold..this year they say Monday will be in the 40's..and no snow...makes getting around there a little easier!
I have been hunting at White Clay for at least 20+ years...and what doc said is have joggers, horseback riders, dog walkers, bunny/tree huggers(antis), and the likes...and every year i have to deal with it i tell myself it's the last time i hunt there....but then, i realize why i go back every year:
1. it'a a special regs area and has an extended season
2. archery and flintlock for deer small game, turkey, or any other hunting allowed.
3. white clay creek is my favorite trout stream
4. i shot my first archery buck there on a new years day many years ago...and it is now ritual.
5. there are deer in good numbers, and good sized deer to boot!
6. a good friend to me and many on this site, "Big Fred" lived near there, and while he didn't hunt much there, he went for walks there..and would tell me of areas to every time i go to white clay...i think about Fred....
7. the scenery is beautiful....and my camera usually gets a good workout......
8. I'm getting old and set in my ways...and a season without hunting white clay would just not feel right....
so.....doc and i will spend a day there...and hopefully fill a tag or two....and i guess since i'm the younger of the two of us...i'll do the heavy lifting for the day...
as far as cookies...last time my wife made cookies they were chocolate chip...and at the Baltimore shoot in May...they didn't stand a chance with Doc! My wife didn't make cookies this we'll just have to make do with whatever we take.....
looking forward to a good day...and everyone going out...have a great time in the deer woods!
White Clay Creek will look a lot different than it did on our hunt last year!

Get the eggs crackin, doc.....!