I have always read posts of those that had a bow blow up in their face and always wondered how it happened.
Well, this morning I was trying out these 58" 54# Predator Hunter limbs that I finally received from the White Buffalo & it actually happened to me.
I was actually inside my house, becuase I always take the first 4 shots at 30 yards when stringing up a new bow to shoot.
Well, I got amost back to anchor on my very first shot and POW!!!! The bow exploded EVERYWHERE, it was a very SCARY experience that I hope never to repeat. My wife and daughter were in the next room and thought that it sounded like a rifle being shot.
The only problem is that I had "sold" this bow today to a repeat client in AUSTRALIA. So I am letting him know of the situation, but very glad it happened to me and not him.
I am thankful that I wasn't hurt and still don't know why it happened as the limbs were in NEW condition and looked perfect???